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3/21/2025 at 8:00 p.m.
Lute Concert
Mestna Hiša, Ljubljana, Slovenia


9/9/2024 at 8:15 p.m. 
„Historical musicians – R. de Visée, E. Gautier. J de Gallot,
J. P von Westhoff i J. S. Bach“
Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute
Mozaik zvuka, Froudeova 1, Zagreb


PROGRAM 9/9/2024


  1. Robert de Visée (ca. 1650 – 1732)
  • Chaconne


  1. Ennemond Gautier (ca. 1575 – 1651)
  • Tombeau de Mézangeau
  • L’adieu
  • Canaries


  1. Jacques de Gallot (active at the end of the 17th century)
  • L’homme à bonne fortune


  1. Johann Paul von Westhoff (1656 – 1705)
  • Suite in A minor for solo violin
    • Allemande
    • Courante
    • Sarabande
    • Gigue


  1. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
  • From the Partita in D minor BWV 1004
    • Allemanda
    • Corrente
    • Sarabanda
    • Giga


Robert de Visée (ca. 1650 – 1732)
He was a French lutenist, guitarist, theorbist and violist at the court of King Louis XIV. and Louis XV. and composer for lute, theorba and guitar. He published two books of guitar music, Livre de guitare dédié au roi (Paris, 1682) and Livre de pièces pour la guitare (Paris, 1686), which contain twelve suites and several separate works. He also published a collection of compositions for theorbe and lute in notation (not tablature) Pièces de théorbe et de luth (Paris, 1716). He also composed many other works for theorbo and baroque lute, most of which are preserved in the Vaudry de Saizenay manuscript (1699), which also contains the Chaconne.

Ennemond Gautier (ca. 1575 – 1651)
He is the first in a series of lute composers under the name Gaultier. Therefore, he is often called Gaultier le Vieux (old Gaultier). He composed at the beginning of the French Baroque and was one of the most important teachers of that time and one of the first lute players of the style Brisé (“broken style”) of playing the lute. He did not publish any tablature during his lifetime, but his music circulated in manuscripts until the eighteenth century. His Tombeau de Mézangeau (1638) dedicated to the French lutenist René Mésangeau (1567 – 1638) is one of the earliest known examples of a Tombeau.

Jacques de Gallot (active at the end of the 17th century)
He comes from a Parisian family of lutenists and composers. Apart from the year of his birth, the exact year of publication of his lute book Pièces de luth composées sur différens mode (between 1681 and 1683) is not known. In the introduction to his book he speaks of himself as a student of Vieux Gautier and that is almost all that is known about his life.

Johann Paul von Westhoff (1656 – 1705)
He worked as a violinist and composer in Dresden and Weimar and as a professor of modern languages. His surviving music consists of seven works for violin and basso continuo and seven for solo violin, all of which were published during his lifetime. He composed some of the earliest known pieces of music for solo violin, and his work greatly influenced a later generation of German violinists. His six solo violin suites are believed to have inspired the famous violin sonatas and partitas of Johann Sebastian Bach, and so I found it very interesting to make my own intabulation of his first suite in A minor.
You can download my intabulation of suite in A minor here.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
Bach’s sonatas and partitas BWV 1001 – 1006 for solo violin (1720) are music that delights not only violinists but also other instrumentalists and lovers of his music. Already during Bach’s lifetime, lutenists worked on and performed his works, and Bach himself arranged lutenist works (eg BWV 1025) for other instruments. In my intabulation of the violin partita for lute, I used Bach’s handwriting with a minimum of my own and only necessary harmonizing, trying to achieve the most natural sound of the instrument that would bring out that musical beauty.

3/16/2024 at 10:30 a.m
“Conversations about the lute”
GU Elly Bašić, Vlaška 87, Zagreb
Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute

PROGRAM 3/16/24

Saturday, March 16, 2024, at 10:30 a.m
GU Elly Bašić, Vlaška 87, Zagreb

Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute



  1. Johann Kropfgans (1708 – 1770) Partita in F major
  • Fantasia
  • Allegro moderato
  • Andantino
  • Angloise
  • Menuet
  • Polonoise


  1. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
  • Loure, BWV 1006a


  1. Adam Falkenhagen (1697 – 1754) – Sonata no. 4, Op. 1, in G minor:
  • Largo
  • Allegro un poco
  • A tempo giusto


  1. Danijel Jurišić (1983 – )
  • The last song of Frankopan
  • Through the old castles
  • Memories

6/1/2023 at 7:00 p.m
EVENING CONCERT WITH LUTE AND GUITAR, Guest: Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute
Prežihov Voranc library gallery,
Trieste c. 47a, Ljubljana

PROGRAM 6/1/2023


Četrtek, 1. junij 2023 ob 19.00
Galerija knjižnice Prežihov Voranc,
Tržaška c. 47a, Ljubljana


Glasbena šola Ljubljana Vič Rudnik
Študentke in študenti Borisa Šinigoja

Gost: Danijel Jurišić iz Zagreba


Aljaž Klemenčič, renesančna lutnja:          T. O’Carolan – Queen’s Dream
                                                                   J. Playford – Drive the Cold Winter Away

Anja Žafran, renesančna kitara:                 G. Morlaye – Gaillarde
                                                                                      – Les Buffons
                                                                    A. Le Roy – Galliard La Lionnoyse
                                                                                        (sodeluje B. Šinigoj, renesančni citern)

Meta Korenjak, renesančna lutnja:            V. Capirola – Recercar 11
                                                                                     – Recercar 1
                                                                                     – La vilanela 
                                                                 J. Dowland – Preludij
                                                                                    – A Fancy
                                                                                    – Mrs.Winter’s Jump    

Anja Žafran, baročna kitara:                       G. Sanz – Capricho arpeado por la cruz
                                                                    F. Campion – Preludij
                                                                                       – Fuga

Katja Porovne Silič, baročna lutnja:           J. St.-Luc – Preludij
                                                                   F. Sors – Estudio
                                                                   D. Gaultier – Preludij
                                                                   D. Kellner – Fantasia a mol

Danijel Jurišić, baročna lutnja:                   S. L. Weiss – Sonata št. 5 v d molu:
                                                                    J. S. Bach – Suita št. 1 za violončelo (BWV 1007):
                                                                    D. Jurišić – Memories

5/18/2023 at 7:15 p.m.
PROGRAM: J. S. Bach, S. L. Weiss, D. Jurišić
Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute
Church of St. Alojzija Gonzaga in Popovača

PROGRAM 5/18/2023


Danijel Jurišić, barokna lutnja

Četvrtak, 18. svibnja 2023., u 19.15h
Crkva Sv. Alojzija Gonzage u Popovači




  1. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750) – Prva suita za violončelo solo, BWV 1007 (za lutnju priredio D. Jurišić):
  • Prelude
  • Allemande
  • Courante
  • Sarabande
  • Menuet I & II
  • Gigue


  1. Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687 – 1750) – Sonata br. 5 u d molu:
  • Prelude
  • Allemande
  • Courente
  • Boureé
  • Menuet I
  • Sarabande
  • Menuet II
  • Gigue


  1. Danijel Jurišić (1983 – ) – Iz zbirke kompozicija za lutnju „Imago“:
  • Suputnik
  • Pismo Ani Katarini
  • Posljednja pjesma Frankopana
  • Putem starih dvoraca
  • Sjećanja

3/4/2023 at 8:15 p.m.
Concert: MUSIC OF OLD UKRAINE, arranged by: Roman Turovsky
Performed by: Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute
MOZAIK ZVUKA, Froudeova 1, Zagreb

8/26/2022 at 9:00 p.m.
61. Concerts in Euphraziana: LAZARUS PROJECT – Andrew from Motovun and his era


PROGRAM 8/26/2022

Andrija of Motovun and his time

Ansambl Projekt Lazarus
Daniela Perosa
Nikolina Virgej Pintar
Ivan Martinčić
Robert Palić
Danijel Jurišić
Martina Mičija Palić
Franjo Bilić

The ensemble Project Lazarus has made numerous appearances in the country and abroad, promoting Croatian and European musical heritage at renowned foreign and national festivals. With his project “Motovunjanin“, Lazarus seeks to show the extraordinary importance of Andrija Motovunjanin, an Istrian who lived at the turn of the 16th century and whose works marked European and world music and printing history. The ensemble brings the synergy of exploratory and artistic-interpretative work through a two-part, concert-educational performance – introducing the audience to the world and work of Motovunjanin, and then performing his compositions and anthologies.

6/2/2022 at 6:00 p.m.
“Wealth of Water” exhibition, Aquatika, Karlovac
Guest: Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute

3/31/2022 at 11:00 a.m.
Kuća Sv. Franje, Odra, Ul. Sv. Izidora 5
Concert: Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute
PROGRAM: J. S. Bach, S. L. Weiss i D. Jurišić

6/20/2021 at 7 p.m.
Concert: Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute – “Conversations about the lute” 
Udruga Prizma, Zadar, Nikole Matafara 2



7/9/2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Presentation of the poetry collection “Pjesme u vitražu” by Mira Marković Mikoć
Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Ivana Belostenca Ozalj. 
Guest: Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute


7/6/2021 at 9:00 p.m.
Concert: Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute
Trg Aquatika in Karlovac.


PROGRAM 7/6/2021


  1.  Trad., arr. S. Tennant (1962 -)/D. Jurišić (1983 – )
  • Wild Mountain Thyme


  1. Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687 – 1750)
  • Ouverture Bb dur
  • Fantasia C mol


  1. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750): BWV 998
  • Prelude
  • Fugue
  • Allegro


  1. Danijel Jurišić (1983 – ): Imago – sketches from the past
  • From the Adriatic Sea
  • The last song of Frankopan
  • Night in Ružica town
  • Through the old castles


Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute

RADIO.HRT.HR “Od portreta do portreta” (“From portrait to portrait”)
Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute


6/6/2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Guitar Days – 31 years.
Concert: Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute
Atelier Meštrović, Mletačka Street 8, Zagreb.


PROGRAM 6/6/2019


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)

  • Prelude BWV 995

Cello suite no. 1, BWV 1007

  1. Prelude
  2. Allemande
  3. Courante
  4. Sarabande
  5. Menuet I & II
  6. Gigue
  • Chaconne BWV 1004

Danijel Jurišić, baroque lute

Danijel Jurišić is a lutenist and guitarist from Zagreb, born in 1983 in Osijek. He studied guitar with prof. Ante Čaglja at the Elly Bašić School of Music in Zagreb, and the lute at prof. Boris Šinigoj at the music school Vič Rudnik in Ljubljana. He received his master’s degree in philosophy and theology at the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb. He has played music from the Renaissance to the modern era on various instruments, and in recent years his attention has been particularly focused on music written for baroque lute and the works of J.S. Bach.